Design Studio WS 24/25

Reloaded: Mitten im Siebenten
Vacancy as an opportunity in Lindengasse

Vienna’s seventh district has its own flair, characterized by its unique blend of urban vibrancy and historical charm. Even if vacancy is by no means a structural issue, this does apply to some extent to individual properties that are not being used optimally in their current form. The design task at hand consists of a front building and a large garage hall with a courtyard in between. This area offers an exciting basis for innovative architectural concepts.
The focus is on the development of different usage scenarios that take into account both the demolition and the expansion of existing structures. These scenarios should reflect the current needs of the district’s residents and users and at the same time open up future-oriented perspectives. In any case, the aim is to develop meaningful usage concepts and combine them with targeted architectural measures in order to create added value.
This calls for creative and sustainable solutions that fit harmoniously into the existing urban fabric. The main objective is to develop an overall concept that can be realized and a concrete design solution that can be used in the existing environment.

Examination modalities

The development of a concept for the problem in question is required. Subsequently, the design is to be implemented on a scale of 1:100 (plan representation, model construction). In addition, characteristic areas are to be depicted at a scale of 1:20.