Our new Website

01. June 2021
Our organizational unit has a new website. It not only looks good, but also complies with the corporate design of TU Wien and the DSGVO and is technically barrier-free. We also strive to keep the editorial content of this website accessible, as we are legally required to do so.

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Eule auf Ast

New website

Our website has recently gone live. With this, we have reached a major milestone. This site complies with the corporate design guidelines of the TU Wien and the legal requirements of the DSGVO.

In the course of the website relaunch project, we reorganized ours a bit and built it according to the information we learned in the training “Effective Writing for Web Editors”. We found everything we needed in the internal area of the TU Wien website at https://www.tuwien.at/en/internal/website-relaunch/typo3/training-courses.

The main contents of the training can also be found in the TYPO3 manual at https://colab.tuwien.ac.at/display/TYPO3HANDBUCH/5.+Aufbereitung+von+Inhalte. This manual sadly is currently only available in German.

Translation of the contents

In order to represent our website equally in German and English according to the requirements of the relaunch, we partly used the translation service of the PR&Marketing department. We found the information about this in the internal area of the TU Wien website at https://www.tuwien.at/intern/website-relaunch/die-naechsten-schritte/phase-3/uebersetzungsservice.


We also tried to make the content of our website barrier-free. As a special help we had the checklist for accessibility in the TYPO3 manual at https://colab.tuwien.ac.at/display/TYPO3HANDBUCH/5.4.+Barrierefreiheit.

Quality control

As further support in quality control we have the tool Siteimprove. We also got the information about it from the TYPO3 manual at https://colab.tuwien.ac.at/display/TYPO3HANDBUCH/5.7.+Siteimprove.