Verena Fürst

>> TO <<

The project TOGETHER, short “TO” aims to develop the existing building towards an important hub for the community of Kirchberg. Through the theme of art, new life should first be brought to the former prison house. In addition, the place is to open up to the community and invite people to linger. A lively exchange between artists and visitors is to be encouraged. The preservation of historical monuments will play an important role, which is why only a few walls and the south windows on the first floor will be altered. In order to make the former prisoner house barrier-free, a new entrance will be created in the eastern part. Likewise, a separate entrance has been developed to access the ground-floor café. The added new building houses the artists’ studio with direct access to the first floor of the former prisoner house. In the basement and the upper floor, a multitude of rooms with different uses, such as a darkroom or workshop rooms, have been integrated. Exhibition spaces in the existing building as well as in the new building round off the room program.