Sophie Bayer

Green district on the Schwarza

The aim of this project is to intervene as minimally as possible. The main focus is on revitalisation and renaturation. The majority of the area (northern section along the Schwarza) is to be transformed into a green space: a local recreation area for playing sports or walking in the park. The ground floor zones of the factory buildings in the west are to be opened up to create space for attractive commercial areas. Small flats will be built on the upper floors – “living and working by the park”. At the centre is the old railway station, where a coffee roastery with café is to be built. Workshops will be offered where people can learn about the craft themselves. A kindergarten is planned as a secondary function of the building. The centrepiece is a market area along Alleegasse; this area is at a slightly lower level. Connections are created by a large flight of steps in front of the old railway station and other measures that merge the market and the park. The market offers local small businesses an appropriate presentation area under a large overgrown roof. A good mix of restaurants, grocery shops and shops is to develop here. The anchor tenant is a deluxe street food restaurant with a take-away offer and delicatessen sales as well as an adjoining restaurant.